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The Magic of Oxytocin

Writer: Dr. SarahDr. Sarah

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Oxytocin is a hormone most often associated with birthing and breastfeeding, but its role expands beyond these specific experiences of early mothering. In its neuroprotective role, in the presence of stress, oxytocin has a significant potential to nurture resilience throughout our lifetimes.

It's anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anxiety reducing, and parasympathetic effects have a widespread impact on health and well being. And oxytocin receptors are located in the areas of the nervous system that regulate social, emotional, and adaptive behaviours, as well as in the heart, As we explore the various roles of oxytocin, I invite you to consider how nourishing oxytocin release in your body has the potential to support you wherever you are on your mothering journey.

Oxytocin, social support, and the nervous system.

Through pathways in the autonomic nervous system, oxytocin is involved in social attachment and engagement, modulating different forms of emotional dysregulation and facial expression, as well as the maternal behavior, of immobilization, or stillness, without fear.

A newborn baby sleeping peacefully, skin to skin, with its mother.

Amidst chronic stress, high levels of social support engages the oxytocin response to facilitate the protective and restorative functions of the vagus nerve, reducing the flight fight response and protecting against the freeze response, or shutting down with fear. As a result, there is an increased sense of psychological safety, emotional regulation, and autonomic stability, or stress resilience, all of which support mental health and overall well being.

In the postpartum period, research has shown that, This has a protective effect on the risk of postpartum depression. Without social support or other oxytocin nourishing strategies, chronic stress increases nervous system dysregulation and reduces the beneficial effects of oxytocin throughout the body.

Oxytocin, the gut, and the nervous system.

The modulation of social connection by oxytocin is dependent on gut brain signaling through the vagus nerve. In addition, oxytocin is gut protective and anti inflammatory during the microbial colonization of birth and breastfeeding and continues throughout life.

Oxytocin receptors in the gut tissues work Also called enterocytes and the gut associated nervous system or the enteric neurons respond to oxytocin exposure from colostrum and mature milk during breastfeeding to protect the gut cells. And within the gut microbiome, lactobacillus routeri stimulates the vagus nerve to promote the release of oxytocin in the body.

Oxytocin and wound healing.

Oxytocin's role in wound healing is also mediated through the vagus nerve stimulation by Lactobacillus Ruteri, increasing oxytocin throughout the body. Its anti inflammatory action is tissue restorative, particularly in the nervous system. Intestines and cardiovascular system.

Stress and the nervous system of the breastfeeding dyad.

The social nervous system links the functioning of the vagus nerve with four other cranial nerves, numbers 5, 7, 9, and 11. Altogether, they are responsible for sucking, swallowing, voice, breathing, middle ear muscles, heart rate, ingesting, facial expression, and head movements.

The nervous systems of a mother and her baby are intimately connected to one another. In its immaturity, the infant nervous system cannot self regulate or self soothe. It depends on the nervous system of its caregivers to co regulate in order to fall asleep, to efficiently access innate feeding reflexes.

And to navigate survival, growth, and development in this wild world of ours. What happens when a mother's nervous system is persistently dysregulated, perhaps experiencing any combination of fight, flight, or freeze in response to birth trauma and or not receiving the support she needs? throughout postpartum.

A dysregulated adult nervous system has the potential to activate a similar response in the infant nervous system. And while fight flight freeze is activated in the baby, the social nervous system is deactivated. And that means the nerves involved in feeding. And the coordination of suck, swallow, breathe are reduced.

This can contribute to fussiness, frustration, and sleepiness at the breast, magnifying feeding challenges and increasing the symptoms that may also be associated with low milk supply, oral ties, newborn jaundice, and physical discomfort. When breastfeeding challenges arise, it is therefore necessary to assess a mother's experiences of stress and support her in navigating the restoration of nervous system regulation in order to optimize other feeding support recommendations.

Nourishing the magic of oxytocin.

Now, with all of this in mind, you may be wondering, how do I nourish my own oxytocin response?

Social connection. Who helps you feel heard, held, and whole? Who listens without judgment? Who only offers advice when you ask for it? Who helps you laugh?

A healthy gut. How often are you having healthy bowel movements? Where are you including probiotic foods in your nutrition? If you're taking a probiotic supplement, does it contain Lactobacillus Ruteri? If it doesn't, be sure to chat with your naturopathic doctor about other options.

Connect with nature. Nature has its own nervous system. Try co regulating with nature by making direct contact with the Earth. Feet or hands on the grass, laying on the ground, hugging a tree, and take some slow, deep breaths while you're there.

Self soothing. What helps you feel soothed, safe, and relaxed? A soft, warm blanket? The scent of certain essential oils? A dark room with candles lit or twinkle lights? A warm bath? A gentle self massage? Rocking or swaying, music, humming? Think of all the ways you've explored soothing a baby. How could those strategies be applied to soothing yourself?

One of the main focuses of Well Rooted Matrescence ~ an online content library and private community for pregnant and new mothers ~ is integrating these nourishing practices into our day to day lives, tapping into that magic of oxytocin to support rest and resilience while navigating all of the twists and turns of early mothering. JOIN US today!


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